Looking forward to connecting
Based in the Netherlands – frontrunner in technological innovation in agriculture and food – StartLife is located on Wageningen Campus, the heart of Food Valley and home of Wageningen University & Research, world’s leading agricultural university. Our unique location provides entrepreneurs and partners with the connections and access to knowledge they require to successfully develop and expand their business activities.
Looking forward to connecting
Based in the Netherlands – frontrunner in technological innovation in agriculture and food – StartLife is located on Wageningen Campus, the heart of Food Valley and home of Wageningen University & Research, world’s leading agricultural university. Our unique location provides entrepreneurs and partners with the connections and access to knowledge they require to successfully develop and expand their business activities.
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How to get to StartLife?
From train station Ede-Wageningen, it's a 15-minute travel to our office. Please consult the options for public transport via https://9292.nl/en. It's only a 2-minute walk from bus stop 'Bronland'.
If you arrive by car, follow the signs to parking P4, driving down 'Bronland' and turning left on to 'Plantage'.
To enter the garage press the StartLife button on the console and we will open the barrier.
Halfway the garage, you’ll find the entrance to the Plus Ultra II building.
Parking is free of charge.
Plus Ultra II Building
Our office is situated on the ground floor, across the reception desk.
Need help?
Please call the StartLife office if you need assistance.