"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

StartLife Mentors

Two people know more than one. Especially if one of them has years of experience under their belt. Add a critical foundational component to your new business by seeking advice and guidance from someone who has already travelled the road you’re on.

StartLife Mentors

Two people know more than one. Especially if one of them has years of experience under their belt. Add a critical foundational component to your new business by seeking advice and guidance from someone who has already travelled the road you’re on.

At StartLife we believe that startups are the driving force behind innovation and that innovative agrifoodtech startups can make a lasting impact on the world. However, the fact that only one out of every ten startups thrives past the five year mark, indicates that entrepreneurs who enter the food and agri domain face many challenges.

Research has demonstrated that 70% of SMEs that receive mentoring survive for five years or more. Well-known founders of the world’s leading companies have reached out to mentors in their early days, and often still do. So why not consider a startup mentor and double your chances of success? Go ahead, it’s free.

Up to you and your mentor(s)
Start moment
Year round
Contact type
Accepted into StartLife program


What does my mentor do for me?

Your mentor is an experienced sparring partner with a passion for startups. He or she will share insights, information, knowledge and experiences around entrepreneurship and help you understand the nuances of the business and the varied nature of the markets at hand.

What doesn’t my mentor do for me?

Your business is your business and your responsibility. A mentor will ask relevant questions but will not provide you with all the answers. Your mentor will not replace Google Search or you as the decision maker. So be prepared to listen, ask questions and reach your own conclusions.

Will my mentor grant me access to business networks?

Your mentor is most likely well-connected and might – but is not obliged to – open certain doors for you that result in access to early customer trials, strategic partnerships, potential customers, interested investors and more.

When is the best time to request a mentorship?

Most likely the moment you ask yourself this question. The start of a mentorship is often, but not necessarily, linked to an important business situation that requires a decision or a critical change that is about to happen. Sparring with a seasoned entrepreneur or professional at moments like that, can help you build up the extra confidence you need to do the right thing. 

When will my mentor be available?

Depending on your need, your mentor will be available for a maximum of 4 hours a month.  Together with your mentor you’ll agree upon the duration and number of interactions per month.

How can this service be free?

Our startup mentors once stood where you are now and are intrinsically motivated to help you any way that they can to enable you to build a solid company and grow as an entrepreneur. They offer their service free of charge, often in their spare time.

How is confidentiality assured?

All mentors have signed agreements with StartLife that assure confidentiality.

Do and Dont's in Mentorship

Mentors can do wonders for you and your startup, but there are rules of engagement to be taken into consideration. Check our 6 do’s and don’ts in startup mentorship.

Who can apply?

The StartLife Mentor Program is available for all startups actively supported by StartLife. You need to be a StartLife alumn or currently take part in one of our startup support programs: StartLife Accelerate or the StartLife à la Carte .

How do I apply?

1) Go to your StartLife Account.
2) Search for a mentor who suits your needs and is available.
3) Request a connection and set your first meeting

Meet our Mentors

Sorry, we couldn't find any results
  • Michel Acda

    Michel Acda

  • Steven Alexander

  • Anne-Claire

    Anne-Claire van Altvorst

  • Ana Carolina Bajarunas

  • Edwin Bark

    Edwin Bark

  • Huub Beelen profile

    Huub Beelen

  • Jeoffey van den Berg

    Jeoffrey van den Berg

  • Ciska Van Den Berg

  • Profielfoto Sebastiaan-Bierma

    Sebastiaan Bierma

  • Elise Bijkerk

    Elise Bijkerk

  • Thijs Boer


  • Tom van den Boogaart

    Tom van den Boogaart

  • Martine Boon

    Martine Boon

  • Johan Boot

    Johan Boot

  • Erik Dam

  • Dax Denneboom

    Dax Denneboom

  • Han van den Elshout

    Han van den Elshout

  • Nikolas Fahlskog

    Nikolas Fahlskog

  • Bart Fischer

  • Erik van Gangelen profile

    Erik van Gangelen

  • Marloes Groenewegen

  • Bernhard Herbort

    Bernhard Herbort

  • Alex Hoogers

    Alex Hoogers

  • Robert Horster

  • Erwin Jansen


  • Lennaert Jonkers

    Lennaert Jonkers

  • Miguel Jordao profile

    Miguel Jordao

  • Jobbe Jorna

    Jobbe Jorna

  • Jürgen Keil

    Jürgen Keil

  • Ubald Kragten

    Ubald Kragten

  • Michiel Kraijer

  • Christine Kroner

    Christine Kroner

  • Arie Kuiper

  • Adrie Kuyper

    Adrie Kuyper

  • Joep Lambalk

  • Harald Lek

    Harald Lek

  • Josh Lessing

    StartLife Mentor

  • Benjamin Maclean

    Benjamin Maclean

  • John Mairlot

    John Mairlot

  • Leo Melchers

    Leo Melchers

  • Sanne Melles

    StartLife Mentor

  • Pieter Meuwissen

    Pieter Meuwissen

  • An Michiels

    An Michiels

  • Henri Molhuizen

  • Sander Nuhoff

  • Tim Van Oerle

  • Sander Peltenburg

  • Victor Penev

    StartLife Mentor

  • Marcel Prins

    Marcel Prins

  • Florian Richter

  • Hans Roelofs

    Hans Roelofs

  • Matthew de Roode

    Matthew de Roode

  • Guliël Schuwer

    Guliël Schuwer

  • Dietmar Serbée

    Dietmar Serbée

  • Olivier Sevenou

    Olivier Sevenou

  • Evelien Sturkenboom

    Evelien Sturkenboom

  • Frank Tielens

  • Bart Trautwein

    Bart Trautwein

    StartLife Mentor

  • Sibel Tunali

    Sibel Tunali

  • Jan van Twillert

    Jan van Twillert

  • Eric Uleman

  • Cecile Veerman

    Cecile Veerman

  • Huib Vermeulen

    Huib Vermeulen

  • Petra Vossenberg

    Petra Vossenberg

  • Bas van Vugt

    Bas van Vugt

  • Alexander van Wassenaer

    Alexander van Wassenaer

  • Floris Wesseling

    Floris Wesseling

  • Lin Zhu

  • Vladimir de Ziegler

    Vladimir de Ziegler

  • Wouter Zwagemakers

    Wouter Zwagemakers

Want to become a startup mentor?

Loet Rammelsberg

Contact Loet Rammelsberg

Program Director

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